Publicaciones Destacadas

Guide To Weekend Hangouts: Where To Go And What To Do

From cozy cafés to bustling markets and scenic parks, the blog highlights diverse venues that promise a good time. Packed with activity ideas, it aims to turn your free days into mini-adventures. Packed with activity ideas, it aims to turn your free days into mini-adventures. Like

The Art Of The Hangout: Tips For Seamless Socializing

From choosing the perfect venue to engaging in meaningful conversations, the blog offers actionable advice for creating a relaxed yet memorable experience. It’s your guide to fostering connections and enjoying life’s simple pleasures with friends. Like

Working From Home? 5 Essential Things To Focus

Riding the waves becomes a form of moving meditation, allowing surfers to be fully present and find peace amidst the ocean’s ebb and flow. It’s not just about conquering waves, but also mastering one’s inner worldconquering waves, but also mastering one’s inner world Like


Guillermo Granillo


Conoce a Guillermo Granillo, un apasionado explorador, narrador de historias y la fuerza creativa detrás del blog "Blogging With Memo". Con una curiosidad y una sed insaciable de nuevas experiencias.

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